Support TAO
Now is the time for consistent action, with a focus on systems and services that can help turn lives around. We are grateful for your support. Join us in the vision of
Trust. Align. Oneness
Donations large or small are fully dedicated to TAO Trust projects, which directly benefit our youth
We need skills and volunteers to help solidify our vision
As a sponsor of our initiatives, you are playing a crucial role in helping our children and teens.
Support us with the holistic items which go into our care packages, tailored to each child
As a community we serve the community. Your knowledge and networks are integral to our success
These financial contributions will help build The Cocoon
Together, we are creating a new paradigm of what it means to align with causes that directly and positively impact the human condition.

Donations large or small are fully dedicated to TAO Trust projects which directly benefit our youth.
You may make one-off or regular financial contributions by donating directly into our bank account or to our ongoing Give A Little Campaign, to support our resources for child, teen and family initiatives.
TAO Charitable Trust
Align yourself with TAO Charitable Trust through monthly donations and ongoing support. We're ​
grateful for our relationships with caring companies and individuals who work with us for social responsibility. These donations go directly toward helping the children, teens and families who need support.
Our monthly tax-deductible donation subscriptions are

Rose Quartz
$50 each month

$51 - $200 each month

$201 + each month
You may wish to direct your contributions specifically toward Holistic Therapies or Blessing Boxes, or even sponsor the care of a TAO child with your donations
Knowledge + Networks
We can collaborate more productively to share a body of knowledge as we come together.
The knowledge networks are as old as human commerce, as learning was exchanged for goods and services. Network members desire to invest in something they are aligned to and feel connected with while seeing themselves invested in the non-profit organisation's goals. Most members share their networks out of common interest and shared purpose.
We would be honoured to have you share our vision within your networks to create a greater reach to those who need our support.
Skills + Volunteers
Skills for volunteering are the abilities you have to effectively help others and support a cause. Volunteers need to be able to work well with others and have a strong work ethic.
Skills to have as a good Volunteer can be
If you have skills in any area that may assist in the strong running of the TAO Charitable Trust, we would love to hear from you. There are many ways you could help in the efficient flow of our trust to assist more children, teens and families. If you can see yourself helping people, we could use your business skills to assist. In addition, it will increase your profile and give you the rewarding feeling of contributing to your community.
Donate Products
As we are a charitable trust supplying blessing boxes to these families with eco-conscious items,
your Product donations are greatly appreciated.
One of the great privileges of having a company or small business is giving generously to community organisations and charitable causes that matter to you. As you share your success, you deliver a message of being a supportive community-based business.
The Cocoon
At the heart of the TAO Trust vision is The Cocoon, a central home-away-from-home,
where expert practitioners can work together to support and meet the unique needs of each child and teen, as well as their families.
The Cocoon will be a safe learning space, as well as a stable foundation for much-needed parental support. It will be a hub of personal growth for every person who walks through the door in search of help and support.
The first step is to secure a temporary space where we can bring experienced therapists together. Ultimately, we plan to construct a purpose-built venue, alongside tools and services. To do this, we need your help and support.